What does a fixed babysitter from Charly Cares entail?
Our fixed babysitters can pick up your kids from school on regular days of the week, help them with their homework, play games with them, you name it. They can also take care of the little ones for the whole day. You can see our Angels as a replacement of regular childcare. The Babysitting Angels help run the household by taking care of light household chores such as cooking. Isn't that every parent's dream?
Childcare at home by a reliable and experience babysitter
Extra attention for task such as cooking, homework or light cleaning
You only pay the fixed babysitter for the hours that you actually purchase
How do you make a recurring booking?
Would you like to book a fixed babysitter? You can do that easily via our Babysitting App. First of all, select all days on which you need a babysitter. Then choose the Babysitting Angels that suit your family best. Send the request and you only have to wait until your favourite babysitter accepts the booking.

Fixed babysitter, three days a week

When you create a recurring booking request, you will see that you can request a babysitter for a maximum of three days a week and for we advise to maximize it to four weeks in a row. This limit is in place, because our Babysitting Angels work under the Settlement services at home agreement. Do you want to extend this period with the same Babysitting Angel? No problem! Just make a new booking for the following weeks.
What does a fixed babysitter cost?
A fixed babysitter at home may sound expensive, but with two or more kids it's often cheaper than other types of childcare. At Charly Cares, you pay the babysitter per hour instead of per child. The hourly rates of our Angels vary between €8 and €15 and are dependent on the age and experience of the babysitter.You only pay a babysitter for the hours you need it. This can come in handy for the holiday weeks or when your schedule changes. You can cancel a babysitting service free of charge for up until 24 hours in advance.
In contrast to a long-term contract with daycare, you only pay a fixed babysitter at Charly Cares for the hours you actually use. Handy with the holiday weeks, or when your schedule is slightly different. You can cancel a babysitting service free of charge up to 24 hours in advance. Do you sometimes need more childcare? Then you can book your Babysitting Angel extra with 1 push of a button via the app. Easy does it!

Florine Duif:
‘“Easy peasy! You download the app, indicate your preferences (type of babysitter, dates, special wishes etc.) & you get a match! Every Babysitting Angel also comes with a star rating, that all parents have to give & you can create your own babysitting poule with your favourite babysitters. So you can feel free to do your own thing as a parent.”

Mother Hilke:
“I never have to worry about the idea of “oh gosh, what kind of person will I be inviting into my house?” The kids love it! Especially when the babysitter helps the kids with their homework or does fun activities with them. For example, our Babysitting Angel helped my son with his presentation, and he went into it with so much self-confidence!”
A fixed babysitter is a custom made service

At Charly Cares, we do everything we can to ensure that your booking succeeds. Sometimes this is quite a challenge, because of preferences, expectations and appropriate schedules. The following features in our app ensure that the success rate of the booking is increased:
Counter offer
Can't find a babysitter for all the weeks you've requested? Then the Babysitting Angel has the opportunity to make a counter proposal. Together you can still achieve a good match.
You can think of this feature as the old-fashioned notice board at the supermarket, where you hang up a note if you are looking for a babysitter.
How exactly does Jobboard work?
You can think of Jobboard as the old-fashioned noticeboard at the super market, on which you can stick a note if you are looking for a babysitter. Jobboard works exactly the same and functions as a type of noticeboard for Babysitting Angels, on which they can see requests from parents.
There are 2 ways of creating a booking request. Jobboard can be employed for both ways.
Option 1
- Select the date and time for which you need a babysitter.
- Select the Angels you would like to book.
- Tick Jobboard and send the request.
- The Angels you selected can respond to your request. Additionally, Angels can also respond via Jobboard. Only Angels who meet your requirements will be able to see the request on Jobboard.
- You will receive all offers and accept the offer from your favourite Angel.
Option 2
- Select the date and time for which you need a babysitter.
- Post the request directly to Jobboard (note: you will not have the option of selecting your favourite Angels).
- Angels who meet your requirements can respond to your request via Jobboard.
- You will receive all offers and accept the offer from your favourite Angel.
You can always decline an offer. Your booking request will not be removed from Jobboard if you do so. You have 6 hours to respond to an Angel's offer.
Good to know: only Angels who meet your requirements can respond to your request via Jobboard.
How does a counter offer work with a fixed booking?
When you invite an Angel for a fixed booking, they can either accept or decline the booking. If they accept de booking, they commit to all dates listed in the booking. Sometimes an Angel would really love to babysit, but is unavailable on some of the dates. In the booking, they can then tick the days they can and would like to babysit. The Babysitting angel can thus make a counter offer, which you can then accept or decline. This way, you will be ensured a couple of fixed babysitting services with the same babysitter. Once the counter offer has been accepted, you will be able to chat with the Angel.

Babysitting Angel Sophie
23 years from Amsterdam, hourly rate €10,25
'‘I like to immediately play along with the kids, to make the parents and kids feel comfortable. And besides that when I’m at a new babysitting address we usually exchange numbers so we can get a hold of each other quickly when we need to. And I like to send them a picture and a small WhatsApp message every now and then to let them know all is well. That’s always appreciated!’'

Babysitting Angel Sanne
22 jaar from Utrecht, hourly rate €10,00
'‘At my fixed babysitting address I usually babysit until 6:30 PM. I make sure to have had dinner with the kids and that they’ve taken a bath and are fully ready to go to bed. So when the parents then come home, the only thing they will have to focus on is bringing the kids to bed in a relaxed manner!’'
Frequently asked questions
How does a counter offer work with a fixed booking?
When you invite an Angel for a fixed booking, they can either accept or decline the booking. If they accept de booking, they commit to all dates listed in the booking. Sometimes an Angel would really love to babysit, but is unavailable on some of the dates. In the booking, they can then tick the days they can and would like to babysit. The Babysitting angel can thus make a counter offer, which you can then accept or decline. This way, you will be ensured a couple of fixed babysitting services with the same babysitter. Once the counter offer has been accepted, you will be able to chat with the Angel.
Can the booking service last longer or shorter than planned, for example if I'm home earlier or later?
Yes! After you have stopped the timer, you will see a screen with an overview of the babysitting service. Simply change the times by clicking on them, as well as potentially adding a tip. In the same screen, you will need to rate and review the Angel. After doing so, click on the button at the bottom of the screen to confirm your changes. When changing the times, make sure they are as accurate as possible. Want to come home later than planned? No problem, but make sure to discuss this with the Babysitting Angel.
How do I pay the Angel?
The payment is processed automatically through the app. When the Babysitting Angel arrives at your home, a timer will automatically start running. When coming home, simply stop the timer, check if the times are correct, and the payment will be initiated. The payment will be automatically deducted from your bank account within a couple of weeks. No more hassle with cash!
What can I do when the Angels don't respond?
Angels can be a bit nervous about visiting a babysitting address for the first time. Based on your profile, they decide whether or not they want to babysit. You should therefore view your profile as a family business card and make sure it's fully up to date, including a fun photo and an informative bio. That way, Angels know what to expect and your booking will be accepted much more quickly.
Do you already have a complete profile but no responses from Angels yet? Contact our Customer Care Team. They will be able to help you by adding extra Angels and also by giving you advice about what would potentially work best in your specific situation.
If a booking is due to start soon, it may also help to change the start time to a later time, so that the Angels have more time to respond.
Can I book a Babysitting Angel for pre-school care?
You can book an Angel for any time of the day, even to arrange pre-school care. Discuss what you expect the Angel to do in the morning. The Angel can make sure the kids are ready for school, prepare breakfast, and take them to school. Everything to ensure that you can comfortably leave the house on time.
Can I book a Babysitting Angel for after-school care?
Absolutely. The Charly Cares after-school babysitter can pick the children up from school (potentially by car, if one is available). Once home, the babysitter can help the children with their homework, play games with them, and take them to their music lessons or sports practice. An after-school babysitter can also help by taking care of light household chores, such as cooking. You can discuss your wishes in advance with the babysitter. You can book this type of babysitter on a weekly basis, for a maximum of 12 consecutive weeks. If both sides agree, you can of course extend the booking after the initial period has ended.