Darina from Hilversum
“She was perfect with the kids, and had amazing communication with us!”
Do you need a babysitter in 't Gooi? For example in Hilversum, Bussum, Naarden or Huizen? Don't worry anymore, Charly Cares takes care of it! We have an extensive pool of reliable Babysitting Angels. This way you can go to work, play sports or go out for dinner and drinks without any worries. Discover the flexibility!
Personally checked babysitter
Fixed, after-school, flexible & last minute
Ratings and reviews after each babysitting service
How do you know if a Babysitting Angel is really reliable? Very good question! Each Angel must provide references from previous babysitting families, do the iDIN check and is checked for experience and motivation by a Charly Cares recruiter. Do we have a clear picture of the sitter and does the sitter meet our requirements? Only then will the Angel get access to our Babysitting App.
A spontaneous date night or an unexpected appointment? With Charly Cares, you can book a last minute babysitter up until 3 hours in advance. Or do you need a fixed babysitter to pick the kids up from school, help them do their homework, and bring them to sports practice? Choose a fixed babysitter or an after-school babysitter. You can also find flexible babysitter with Charly Cares. A babysitter for any time, so goodbye babysitting stress!
Parents rate the babysitter after each babysitting service using a star rating. There is also the possibility to leave a review of the babysitter. These are always visible to other parents to ensure transparency. Charly Cares monitors the ratings & reviews, to safeguard the quality of the Angels.
Do you live in the Gooi area? Sign up now and find your reliable babysitter in Hilversum, Naarden, Bussum, Huizen, Blaricum, Laren, Eemnes and Muiden!
I want a babysitterDownload the app, create a profile and fill in information about your family
Search for Babysitting Angels in your area right away: scroll through the listings, view profiles and post your request on Jobboard
Chat in the app with the Angel to go over some instructions in advance.
After the babysitting service, stop the timer in the app and pay the Angel online with one click.
At Charly Cares, you can not only find a babysitter for your children, but you can also get help for an elderly person or arrange a sitter for your pet. Discover the possibilities of Senior Care and Pet Care at Charly Cares.
The payment through the app works as follows: when the Angel is at your home, a timer will automatically start, and upon their departure, you stop the timer. Then, you check the times for accuracy and choose whether to pay the Angel privately or through your business (if your employer reimburses for babysitting expenses). If you are paying personally, you can, after consulting with the visiting Angel, choose a payment method:
Note! For a Pet Care booking, a fixed rate applies to that booking. The timer will automatically stop, and you don't need to take any further action. The same applies to a Senior Care booking; the timer will be automatically stopped. Both Pet and Senior Care payments are processed through direct debit.
Easy peasy! In our app, go to 'Discover' > 'Book an Angel'. Enter the dates and times for which you need a babysitter. You will then be able to either select 10 Angels yourself, or post your request on Jobboard.
Selecting 10 Angels yourself? Write a personal message and send the request, then wait for the Angels to respond. If one of them accepts, your request is successful.
If you choose Jobboard, write a personal message and post your request to Jobboard. All Angels near you will be able to see your request and respond. In the end, you decide who ends up babysitting.
You can think of Jobboard as the old-fashioned bulletin board in the supermarket, where you put up a note if you're looking for a babysitter. Jobboard works the same way and is a kind of bulletin board for our Babysitter Angels, where they can see job posts from parents.
There are 2 ways to make a booking request, either way, you can use Jobboard.
Option 1
Option 2 (In areas surrounding cities)
You can also reject the proposal. Your booking request does not disappear from Jobboard. You have 6 hours to respond to proposals from Angels.
Good to know
- Angels who do not fully meet your requirements can also respond to your request on Jobboard.
- When you invite an Angel and they subsequently accept the offer, they become the Angel on the booking. When an Angel makes an offer on your booking, you still have to accept it.
At Charly Cares, you can add your own babysitter to the platform. This is often done when an employer has agreed to pay and you want to use your own babysitter, or if you want to make use of our booking system and have the payments run through our app.
In the app, go to 'Profile' > 'Invite own Angel' and proceed with the steps the app is showing.