We have a dream... Want to join our adventure?

The Charly Cares dream
One of the most difficult puzzles for parents is: how do I arrange the care for the children? That is why we started Charly Cares. Childcare that adapts to your family's schedule - everything easily arranged through one platform.
We started as the first online babysitting app in the Netherlands. With a strong team, we are currently working towards our dream of making Charly Cares the childcare platform in the Netherlands. And launching in the rest of Europe.
Our road to success: the first steps towards realising the dream
New employers that offer Charly Cares Business as a fringe benefit;
Expansion within the Netherlands and the introduction of new services;
Getting Charly Cares ready for launching in the first European cities by the end of 2022.

Own your shares in Charly Cares: what's in it for you?
We offer you the opportunity to invest in our company at an attractive interest rate of 6% and the opportunity to become a shareholder of Charly Cares. That is how we can join forces and work together on a bright future, for a new generation.
I'm inPatrick Stal (father, global CMO & Investor, platform marketeer, ex-Uber):

''Charly Cares brings together a unique set of winning growth dynamics. A flawless solution to one of the most pressing socioeconomic issues of our time - balancing parenting and career choices, a solid app-based product experience, a well balanced caring EU-built services marketplace, a path to profitability and an entrepreneurial team.''
Charly Cares in the media

Charly is ambassador for the Joke Smit prize
Everyone who works to advance the position of women in society deserves a reward. Charly Cares is an ambassador for this prize, which is committed to the emancipation of women in the workplace.

Home, with a business babysitter
From De Volkskrant and Het NRC to the NOS 8 o'clock news and RTL Nieuws: during the corona lockdown in January 2021, many news outlets made note of the "business babysitter". Starting in 2022, the first organisations will start offering Charly Cares Business as an additional fringe benefit.