Veronne & Fleur from Bureau Liefhebbers About love in the times of parenthood

Hi! We are Veronne & Fleur
Two sisters with one passion: breaking taboos around family life through honest conversations. Let's be honest, how is that going for you two? Have you also noticed that your relationship has changed significantly since the arrival of children? Totally normal, of course, but we believe that attention for each other should remain. A bit about us:
I'm Fleur: 32 years old, mother of 2 lovely kids (Lola & Bobbie), and been with my childhood sweetheart for many years. I'm a forensic orthopedagogue with extensive experience in family support.
I'm Veronne: 35 years old, also a mother of 2 amazing kids (Hazel and Ramses), and in love for 7 years. I'm a relationship coach, viewing making connections as my talent and empowering people as my passion.
Sneak peek: listen to our podcast!
Together, we started Bureau Liefhebbers to help parents find each other (again) in times of parenthood. We also started a podcast called 'Liefdeswerken' (Love at Work). Listen to it here (in Dutch) and maybe you will hear Charly Cares make an appearance...
In our podcast we talk about the complex world of love and parenting. How to schedule time for yourself and each other after the arrival of children, how to deal with a short fuse and how do other parents do it! We would love to start the conversation for you and hope to give you some tips & tricks.
How we help parents in their love life
As Bureau Liefhebbers, we are very happy to help parents find each other again in the hustle and bustle of family life, which can lead to less attention for each other.
Here are some accessible tips to get started! With small gestures, you can show your partner more appreciation and love.
Consider incorporating these into your upcoming week:
Say goodbye to your partner in the morning and make sure you are aware of something that is going to happen that day
Ask your partner "what can I do for you this week to help you?
When you come home after a day of work, give your partner a kiss/hug first.
Hide post-its with sweet messages.
Do or organize something to surprise your partner.
Send a text to your partner and tell them what you appreciate about him/her.
Bureau Liefhebbers' Relationship Checkup (APK)
This 1.5-hour online training helps you reflect on your relationship and needs. Setting aside 1.5 hours to invest in your relationship ... it doesn't have to be difficult. Just follow the training at home from the couch (or out the door while your Angel watches the kids 😉 ). Learn more via the button below!