Welcome to the world of our fixed Babysitting Angels!

‘It takes a village to raise a child’, an old saying that is ever so relevant, right? Raising children is a big responsibility and it’s important to receive support here and there. A fixed babysitter can be of such support to a family. Once you find your match, make sure to hold on to her! ;) The same goes for the babysitters themselves. They’re also looking for a family that suits them. We’ve asked some of our experienced fixed Babysitting Angels everything about babysitting and more. Curious to find out what makes them tick? Read on!
Can you tell us about why you are a fixed babysitter at Charly Cares?
The answers to this question were unanimous: the connection with the children! As a fixed babysitter you get to know the children you babysit very well and that’s comforting for both the children and their parents. And of course the fixed income is great as well.
Babysitting Angel Barbara:
'‘I love being a fixed babysitter because of the connection I develop with the kids. The more time you spend together, the more open they become and I just love that! I especially enjoy being able to have real conversation with them when they become a bit older.''
What information should always be included in a fixed booking request?
Accepting a booking request based on a profile can be exciting for both the parents as well as for the Babysitting Angels. Therefore it’s important for the Angels to find an up to date and complete family profile whenever they receive a booking request.
In regards to the family profile, we see that most of the Angels decline any booking that comes from an incomplete family profile. A missing photo for example can be a deal breaker.
Babysitting Angel Marie-José:
‘'I’m generally quite easy in accepting requests but one thing I find important is a family photo. If there’s no photo, I’m more likely to decline the request.''
Therefore look at your family profile as a warm welcome for the Babysitting Angels and your bookings will be accepted more easily.
What information should always be included in a fixed booking request?

Babysitting Angel Sanne:
'‘The things that I find important within a booking request are: correct timings and days, age of the children and the location. Because of COVID-19 I’m noticing that the parents often are at home during the babysitting service. And that’s absolutely fine, but that’s something to include as well. Just for the Angel to be able to fully understand what she’s agreeing to.''
What is a no go in a fixed booking request? When do you immediately reject a request?
In regards to the family profile, we see that most of the Angels decline any booking that comes from an incomplete family profile. A missing photo for example can be a deal breaker.
Babysitting Angel Marie-José:
'‘I’m generally quite easy in accepting requests but one thing I find important is a family photo. If there’s no photo, I’m more likely to decline the request.''
Therefore look at your family profile as a warm welcome for the Babysitting Angels and your bookings will be accepted more easily.

How do you prepare for the first time you meet a family? What’s important for you?

Babysitting Angel Eva:
'‘I always prepare myself to make sure the family will get a good first impression of me. And during the introduction I find it important to be able to connect with the children. Not only for myself but for the parents as well, so that they feel as comfortable as possible when leaving the house for the first time!''
The introduction is always exciting, for all parties involved, especially when it’s for a fixed request. In most cases, the Babysitting Angel will stay to babysit immediately. In that case make sure to book some extra time before you leave the house. You could also chat through WhatsApp or meet via FaceTime in advance for example!
What are the things you do to make sure the parents can come home to a nice situation?
Babysitting Angel Sanne:
''At my fixed babysitting address I usually babysit until 6:30 PM. I make sure to have had dinner with the kids and that they’ve taken a bath and are fully ready to go to bed. So when the parents then come home, the only thing they will have to focus on is bringing the kids to bed in a relaxed manner!’'
Doesn’t that sound amazing? Our fixed Babysitting Angels know exactly where they can support their families just that little bit extra. Whether it’s cleaning up after the kids or helping with homework some days, feel free to discuss with the Angel what is needed.
What are some of your favourite things to do with your babysitting children?
Every Angel is different and will come up with different things to do! And of course the children’s favourite pastimes are important.
Babysitting Angel Marie-José:
'‘I love baking! And it’s so much fun to see children of various ages helping me in different ways. Two-year olds like to watch what I do and children of about seven years old like playing on their own as well’.'
Are you looking for a fixed babysitter yourself?
Our Support Team is there to help 24/7. They’re there to help you find your family's ideal match! All of our Babysitting Angels have the Angel Liability Insurance. We do everything we can to ensure that you can hand over the care for the kids with confidence!