Meet The Parents: Lieske MichielsenHow to find a babysitter in Amsterdam?

In this weeks Meet The Parents, one of the first Charly Cares members shares her experience about the babysitting service in Amsterdam. Lieske, mother of two children, has experienced all kinds of developments within Charly Cares over the past two years. You could say Lieske grew along with the organisation itself. This, of course, produces beautiful stories. Curious about Lieske her story and how she found the right babysitter in Amsterdam? Keep on reading!
How the story at Charly Cares began
Here you are. You just moved to Amsterdam while your parents still live in Brabant and most of your friends are far in the east of the country. Being two busy parents, having a babysitter around, would be very handy. But where do you start? The Michielsen family luckily got a golden tip from a friend.
“A friend of mine suggested two organisations who helps parents with finding a babysitter in Amsterdam. One of those organisations was Charly Cares. I immediately checked both their websites to compare it with each other. In the end I was convinced that Charly Cares was the perfect match for us."
Everyone's home situation is different which is why every parent have their own preferences when it comes to a perfect babysitter. Lieske her family has a strong preference for a good classic balance between price and quality. Because no one wants to pay too much. Especially because life in Amsterdam is quite expensive itself. You want to know how reliable the babysitters truly are and what reasonable prices are attached to it.
Curious why Lieske chose Charly Cares?
“I actually need to confess something. I am really sensitive when it comes to beautiful websites haha! Besides that I noticed that I found it really hard to immediately admit to a monthly subscriptions costs. What if I am not pleased with the services they provide? At Charly Cares I could have a free trial for all their services at first for a whole month. That was really reassuring."

The 3 most important developments at Charly Cares
According to Lieske, the following three developments were the most important for her family:
The Babysitting App is now available for the App Store and the Playstore
Update: filter options for Babysitting Angels
The launch of the new Charly Cares website
1. The launch of the Babysitting App
In the beginning parents could only book a reliable babysitter via the Charly Cares website. But since The Netherlands is getting more and more mobile, Charly Cares decided to make an application for iPhone and Android users as well. It provides parents more ease of use, fast and flexible service.
“I can remember very well when the Babysitting App just launched for iPhone users like me. I used to use my laptop which worked just fine for me, but the launch of a mobile app was ideal! This way I always have the Babysitting App at hand if I need to find a babysitter in Amsterdam."
The launch of the new Babysitting App was also a great moment to optimize all the Charly Cares features and platform. Not only did the mobile users grow in numbers, the total amount of active Charly Cares users on the website grew along. Besides Lieke, more and more parents saw the benefits of the babysitting service.
This optimisation included, among other things, a more efficient way to book a Babysitter Angel.
2. Filter option for Babysitters
After the launch of the new Babysitter App, an update has been introduced. This update brings the ease of use of parents to a higher level: the filter option! This new option means that parents can filter the Babysitter Angels to their preferences, like: distance, price, language, and specific babysitting experience. This way you will always have your favourite Angels at the top of your search results!
“I think the filter option is perfect! I still have two little children and I find it important that the Babysitting Angels are not too young and know how to handle little kids. But with this filter I directly find the perfect match!"
3. The launch of the new website
Last month we launched our new website. Of course, a lot of work was done beforehand, but the results are amazing! The website is meant to give all parents a good impression and to get acquainted with Charly Cares. It is also very important that parents and Angels quickly get to the right information.
We were curious what Lieske, as a Charly Cares Pro, thinks of our new website:
“The new website looks clean and trendy! Within seconds you know what the website is all about and what is asked of you as a visitor. I think that is what you want to accomplish as an organisation. Before the mobile application I used to use the website a lot and I still will make use of it. So this makes it easier for me!"
If there are any additions to our new Charly Cares website, please contact us through the support page. We are always open for good ideas!

Family Michielsen & the Babysitting Angels
It is always a little exciting to look for a new babysitter. But it might actually be easier than you imagine. The search for a babysitter in Amsterdam also went well for the Michielsen family.
"Actually, shortly after we moved to Amsterdam, I came in contact with Charly Cares. Of course, they are your children and you want to leave them in good hands. And so far, I am still pleased with the services of Charly Cares. This is mainly due to the personal fast service that Charly Cares offers. For example, they will contact you immediately if a babysitter has reported ill and they arranged another babysitter within half an hour! So for me it went all well!"
Will you be in our next Meet The Parents?
We collect the most beautiful stories! Would you also like to share your experience with Charly Cares? Then contact us and who knows you will be in the next Meet The Parents!