Meet the Vacca family

Family Vacca has been using Charly Cares for over 4 years. As parents working full-time with 2 busy kids, it's great to have a helping hand around. For example, mother Anna talks about the support her fixed Babysitting angel offers their family. Curious about the Vacca family's story? Read on now!
First things first: Would you like to introduce you and your family to us?
“Hello everyone, my name is Anna. We live in Amsterdam with our 2 children aged 4 and 6 years old. We parents both work full-time and are therefore often very busy with work. It's great that we can use Charly Cares, so that there is always a babysitter available for the kids.”
“So, our children are 4 and 6 years old. I feel like the kids are currently going through a very busy age. They want to discover everything, go to school, and they would like nothing more than to be creative all day. They love crafting, painting, basically anything they can do with their hands. We found a great babysitter who can handle the kids' busy nature very well. She helps the children with creative activities and takes them outside. She is truly an addition to our active family life.”
“We want a familiar face for the children, someone who is always there for them”
“Since my husband and I are busy with working during the week, we wanted someone who could be there for the kids during the days. For other families, grandparents or other family members can sometimes help out during busy times. We are from Italy and Nigeria, where our family still lives. Since we don't see our family every day due to the distance, we want the children to still have a familiar face that they can trust. It's important for use to have someone nearby that the kids know. They really see our fixed babysitter Hera as part of the family, and so do we. She is always welcome. We don't really book any other babysitters anymore. Hera is responsible, flexible, and knows our children through and through. She comes up with the craziest activities and takes the kids outside. She has really become like family to us.”
You've been using Charly Cares for over 4 years, what has your experience been like?
“We have very much enjoyed using your platform for the past couple of years. Partly because we find the system very pleasant to work with. Charly Cares represents both parties (the Angels and the parents), making both parties feel safe. As a mother, for example, I feel comfortable booking an Angel because all babysitters are personally screened.”
“Due to how busy my work is, it's essential to have a working app. The Charly Cares app works very well for me and I don't get stressed as easily anymore when my babysitter is unavailable. The Support Team always helps by finding a replacement or another suitable solution. Charly Cares offers trust, which I have not yet experienced with other babysitting platforms.”

What are you most looking forward to once ‘normal life’ returns?
“It seems like a dream being able to go out again on a Friday night haha. Good food, dancing, doing fun things. That's what I'm most looking forward to. The kids know Hera very well, so even when ‘normal’ life starts again, she will also look after our kids for those times.”
Last but not least: Do you have any good tips for other families who use Charly Cares?

“Yes, definitely! We really wanted someone who would fit in with our family. I can imagine that more families are looking for something like that. For us, we first tried multiple babysitters. Take the time to see who is a good fit for your family, but especially who is a good fit for the kids. If the first Babysitting Angel doesn't immediately work out, simply invite another Angel, until you find someone that you feel comfortable with. A babysitter really has to be a match, and I think that is often underestimated.
For example, at the start I invited babysitters for 2 hours, just to get to know us as parents and the kids. I think that also works well for the babysitter. I have now found the perfect match for our family. It brings such peace of mind to have a babysitter who helps out for a few hours every week and whom I fully trust with out children. I recommend it to every parent.”
Want to see a Family Story about your family?
Do you want to put your Babysitting Angel in the spotlight and share your Charly Cares story, like the Vacca family? Let our Support Team know and, who knows, the next Family Story may be about your family.