The business babysitter - Parents about their experience with Charly Cares BusinessAn interview with parents working at Deloitte

An experienced babysitter who temporarily takes over the care of the children, so you can devote your attention to work-related activities undisturbed. And for free too, because for a few months now Deloitte has been supporting its employees with 55 babysitting hours from the company. Why? Because Deloitte understands the importance and necessity of a good work-life balance for its employees. That sounds like music to your ears, right?
We had a talk with three parents who work at Deloitte and asked them what they think of this fringe benefit, what they want to pass on to their colleagues and how they use their hours. Let's find out!
“Employees of Deloitte can make use of Charly Cares, either with their own babysitter or with a Charly Cares babysitter. During the lockdown, we initially started with this solution and now we offer it structurally as an extra fringe benefit. This solution offers our employees and Deloitte as an organisation the flexibility that fits the current way of working.”
Marjolein Heijstraten, Director Performance & Rewards Deloitte

“For us, Charly Cares means extra freedom"
A business babysitter supports employees when childcare is a challenge. Support that is of great value. Marjolijn Eijsink - van IJken: “For us, Charly Cares means extra freedom. Previously, we only used the hours via Deloitte for work-related activities; this already created more (breathing) space. Due to the introduction via Deloitte, we currently also use the Charly Cares babysitting service through a private account.”
Koert Bruins: “Charly Cares has helped us out several times during the corona period and afterwards. The flexibility, choice options and the fact that Charly Cares personally gets to know each Angel means a lot to us. In addition, childcare entails high costs, so it is nice if the employer offers financial support.”
"The best news: the kids had a fantastic day"
Robert Jan ter Kuile also knows how to use the babysitting hours: “The babysitting hours came in very handy recently. I had an important deadline while my wife was on vacation. Where I originally intended to spend time with the children, I decided to ask for help from others. Help in the form of my parents and on Wednesday a Charly Cares babysitter helped me out. I've never experienced it so quiet in the house, I've never been hassled and the best news: the kids had a fantastic day. The Angel took great care of the children and also put them to bed, where she was showered with big hugs and kisses as a goodbye. That says a lot about our experience with Charly Cares.”
The employees of Deloitte are enthusiastic about the services of Charly Cares. The babysitting hours are therefore used for different purposes. While Koert's family mainly uses Charly Cares for after-school care, Marjolijn does this more for 'last-minute' moments when regular care (crèche or grandparents) is not possible. Koert's family also uses the hours for flexible moments, for example if he has to leave for work in the evening and his wife also has obligations.
"You can fully concentrate on your work while the kids are entertained"
Support at times when childcare is a challenge, that's what Charly Cares stands for. This flexible aspect is very pleasant for the employees of Deloitte. Koert: “There is always a babysitter available if you unexpectedly need one due to obligations, even last-minute.” Robert Jan: “If you unexpectedly find yourself without childcare during a working day at home, a business babysitter is the solution. You can fully concentrate on your work while the kids are entertained. It's no use to them if you're half working and half taking care of them. You're not doing them any favours. With a lovely Babysitting Angel from Charly Cares they have a more valuable day and it is also pleasant for yourself: win-win."

Convenience also plays an important role. Robert Jan is therefore enthusiastic about the easy use of the Charly Cares app.
Experience the convenience of this structural benefit, as a working parent for Deloitte.
"Altogether, it's just a very nice fringe benefit for people with children.” “The service is there, so I would say: take advantage of it! It makes the already busy family life just that little bit easier.” According to Koert and Marjolijn.
Interested in a business babysitter?
Experience less stress and more happiness at work. From a last-minute babysitter to a regular after-school babysitter: Charly Cares has reliable Babysitting Angels for every moment. Thanks to a transparent rating system, Angel insurance and 24/7 Customer Care, you as a parent are completely unburdened. For more information, visit this page.