The most fun craft tips during this autumnFor you and the (babysitting) kids

It is always sad to say goodbye to the summer, but the most fun part is about to start: Fall! Mother nature is preparing herself for the winter. Which means: beautiful coloured leaves falling down the trees, chestnuts and pine cones lying everywhere on the ground for us to grab.And you can do a lot of fun things with it! Of course we have already made a list of fun fall activities you could do with the kids around the holidays.
Creative with leaves
By the time the autumn vacation has started, there will be already enough leaves on the ground. With the following craft tips, you can go to the woods with the kids and collect as many leaves as possible and make something out of the leaves. The more the better.
"A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye."
1. Animal figures from leaves
If you last minute want to do something and you did not have the time to collect the necessary stuff. No worries! You only need some collected leaves.
- Paper
- Glue
- Leaves
How does it works:
First of all, let the children see fantasy animal figures in the leaves, using their fantasy makes it easy to make an animal or fantasy animal with small adjustments. Is this not the case? Then sketch the animal you want to make on a sheet of paper and cut the leaves into the lines until an animal is formed. By cutting small circles from a dark leaf, you can easily make eyes for the animal.
Ready for the next step? Make it more challenging for the kids by adding a rule of the game, namely: you can not tear or crush the leaves to an animal, only folding and puzzling is allowed.

Tip: Puzzle all the leaves together and then stick them on the paper. This way you can frame the artwork in the end!

2. Decorate pots to candle holders.
Do you still have empty pots in your house? Do not throw the pots away, but give them a second life. These pots can be transformed into atmosphere makers for your home!
- Empty pots
- Glue
- Brushes (optional)
- Colourful leaves
How it works:
Select the most beautiful leaves. Most preferably the red and yellow leaves where the light can shine through. Then paste the leaves to the outside of the jar. It is important to stick the leaves on the outside of the pots, because the inside of the jar is later used as a waxinelichthouder. You only need a waxin light, put the candle on and full of food!
3. From leaves to art
With a few brushes you will turn the leaves into true art! Let the creativity go free and the kids will undoubtedly love it.
- Paint for children
- Coloured pencils
- Sheets of paper
- Brushes
- Tablecloth
- Old clothes or apron
How does it work:
The tablecloth and apron are mainly intended to protect clothes and furniture from overly enthusiastic children with paint brushes. Once everything is well protected, you can start painting! For additional ease of play, you can choose to stick the sheets of paper with a piece of tape to the tablecloth. The children can completely or partially dye the leaves with different colours. Afterwards you can use the leaves as stamps on the sheets of paper.
Are you not having any paint at home? Get started with coloured pencils! Put a sheet of paper over a nice large leaf and make soft stripes with the coloured pencils over the sheet of paper. In this way, the leaf appears on the paper in the most colourful way.
