How to fill out your tax return

It's time to fill out your tax return for 2024! The tax return involves all sources of income for 2024, so your earnings from babysitting through Charly Cares should also be included. We will answer your most frequently asked questions regarding the tax return. Keep reading and get your tax return filed in no time.

Am I employed by Charly Cares?

No, you are not in the employment of Charly Cares. That's because you as a Babysitting Angel babysit for parents at their homes. Babysitting for Charly Cares falls under the ‘Regeling dienstverlening aan huis’ (home services regulation). Because you are not in the employment of Charly Cares, you don't receive any pay-checks or annual statements.

However, we are required by law and regulations to report all your income to the Tax Authorities using your BSN number. Have you not provided us with your BSN number yet? Please do so via the to-do in the app.

Where should I indicate my income from babysitting through Charly Cares?

You should fill in your babysitting earnings from Charly Cares under the categorie "inkomsten uit overig werk" (income from other work). Because babysitting falls under the 'Regeling dienstverlening aan huis' (home services regulation), everything works just a little different compared to being in the employ of a company.

Note: Do you babysit somewhere else besides Charly Cares, or do you have other income that also falls under the category "inkomsten uit overig werk"? In that case, add up all your income from other work and fill in the total amount on your tax return.

Where can I find my total babysitting earnings from Charly Cares for 2024?

Open the Charly Cares Babysitting App and go to 'Profile'. Under 'Payments', you will be able to view your total earnings for 2024. Fill in his amount on your tax return under 'inkomsten uit overig werk' (income from other work).

How much tax should I pay on my income?

This is different for each situation and depends on several things. For example, do you have other work on the side? And did you babysit a lot or very little? This all affects the amount of tax and you will see when you fill out your tax return. Contact the Belastingdienst for substantive questions.

How does it work with travel expenses and my tax return?

Please contact the Belastingdienst, they can help you with this.

I have another question regarding tax return

Please contact the Belastingdienst, they can help you with this.

Let's get started!

Did you find the answers to all your questions? You can file your tax return at the Belastingdienst (Tax Authority). You can do so online via Mijn Belastingdienst or by using the tax return app. Good luck!

Still have questions about where to find your earnings from Charly Cares after reading this blog? Our Customer Care team is here to help. Contact us by calling or sending a WhatsApp message to +31202102323.

NOTE: Do you have any more questions about the tax return in general? Please contact the Belastingdienst.