on Charly Cares Business is the largest internet magazine for directors and managers in the Netherlands. They mention Charly Cares Business as a tip for working productively from home when the children are also around. Read more here!
Now that working from home is common practice and that the children are also at home more often, productivity challenges for both parents and employees are increasing. A recent survey by Charly Cares shows that 44 percent of parents working from home use the platform to book a babysitter in order to be able to work productively from home while the children are also around.
Despite the fact that schools are open again, there has been a significant increase in the number of babysitting services compared to a few months ago. At the start of the corona crisis, only ten percent of parents booked a fixed babysitter to facilitate working from home.
One of the reasons for enlisting the help of a babysitter is for parents to be able to stay productive and remain focused. Ultimately, this also gives them more time to spend with their family. Founder Charly van der Straten: "The fact that an increasing number of parents need a babysitter while they work from home has also come to the awareness of employers. An increasing number of babysitting services is now being paid for by the employer."
A babysitter as an alternative to the daycare
Where parents used to mostly book a babysitter for dinners and nights out, Charly Cares has noticed a shift in the needs of parents since the start of the corona crisis. Most significantly, the demand for a fixed babysitter during work hours has increased by 1,5 times since the start of the crisis. The increase in these types of babysitting services may be due to a reluctance to bring children to a daycare and an increase in work stress among parents. Founder Van der Straten: "The babysitting needs of parents have changed completely. Parents no longer go out for a night, but now need a babysitter during the day in order to work productively from home. For example, for after-school babysitting services, or in case the school or daycare is closed due to a staff corona case."

Employers are paying for the babysitter more often
An increasing number of employers wants to meet parents in the challenges they face when working from home. The transactions on the babysitting platform show that the costs of the babysitter are being paid for by the employer more often. How exactly that works? The babysitting services for business use are reimbursed, for example by allocating a personal budget, so that the employer can contribute to maintaining a healthy work/life balance and preventing babysitting stress.
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