Charly Cares in Het Parool

A business babysitter: an increasing number of companies are including this specific perk as a fringe benefit. Het Parool interviewed Charly van der Straten about offering a business babysitter as a solution to the scarcity on the labour market.
Charly: "Not only employees with children benefit, but the whole team benefits if parents no longer have any stress about childcare."

Over 80 employees have now added a business babysitter as a fringe benefit, including Deloitte and Effectory. In the interview, they explain why they chose Charly Cares Business.
Marjolein Heijstraten, director performance & rewards: "During the lockdown, we initially looked for a temporary solution to unburden employees at home and to increase flexibility. Since June this year, we have also been offering the business babysitter on a structural basis, as a fringe benefit. It offers our employees and organisation the flexibility that suits hybrid working, which has been given more space due to corona."
Read the full interview here.